I’m supposed to be done with Ruth, but something made me want more. The story seems so cut off, and …

Author| WidowPrenueur | Empowerment Professional
Author| WidowPrenueur | Empowerment Professional
Author| WidowPrenueur | Empowerment Professional
I’m supposed to be done with Ruth, but something made me want more. The story seems so cut off, and …
So I usually post earlier in the day, but the video of what I just spent my morning doing, (a …
I read and read. Like literally, as soon as I got home this morning, after dropping off the kids – …
Has being a widow pushed you to become a leader? ..Do you feel like lessons learned in this arena could be used elsewhere in your life, perhaps even as part of your purpose?
What is YOUR Assignment? My assignment?!? What MORE is there for me to endure, God? I get it. I understand the overwhelm. I get the fear, the PTSD of it all. Like maybe a fear of what MORE pain or struggle your future could hold. Or maybe the feelings of skepticism when you think about a God that would ask you to carry on through this pain and suffering- and then STILL carry out some mission– after all this? It’s a lot to consider…
Never in my wildest dreams did I think THIS would be my life. Not when I dreamed as a kid, not when I met him and knew he’d be my husband, and not at the altar when we’d said “forever”. I’d never imagined THIS.
I have more growing and sharing and crying etc. to do!! I have more to give!! My journey is still ongoing!! But the hopelessness part – the part where I didn’t know how to “bounceback” from life’s body slams — It is finished. And I am thankful.
I’m no longer fumbling in the dark with the problems of those storm clouds. My life is pretty amazing. As awesome as that feels to say – I think the threat of new storms and how that fear affects me – THAT’S the storm I’m battling now. Call it PTSD, if you will. I’m better than I was, and I’ve healed my own way by making sure I’d always be mentally prepared to rebuild from whatever comes next – but I’m still very aware and fearful of the possibility of new pain, new setbacks and God forbid – new grief…
I’m no longer as surprised by God’s intentional “coincidences ” in my life, as I am humbled that he’s ever even taking the time to be bothered with tiny me. I digress, I read something a bit different here, and 3 lessons I got from this do correspond with the devotional message…but they had a slightly deeper and more personal meaning worded this way…
So I started reading Ruth because she’s a widow…and thought okay, this story is, at some point (I’ve heard) supposed …