Never in my wildest dreams did I think THIS would be my life. Not when I dreamed as a kid, not when I met him and knew he’d be my husband, and not at the altar when we’d said “forever”. I’d never imagined THIS.

Author| WidowPrenueur | Empowerment Professional
Author| WidowPrenueur | Empowerment Professional
Author| WidowPrenueur | Empowerment Professional
Never in my wildest dreams did I think THIS would be my life. Not when I dreamed as a kid, not when I met him and knew he’d be my husband, and not at the altar when we’d said “forever”. I’d never imagined THIS.
Growth is a life-long process, not a destination. Widow Fog is VERY COMMON. Knowing what it is, what it does to you, and how to cope – helps you grow, heal, and move through the fog FASTER. <3
What is YOUR Assignment? My assignment?!? What MORE is there for me to endure, God? I get it. I understand the overwhelm. I get the fear, the PTSD of it all. Like maybe a fear of what MORE pain or struggle your future could hold. Or maybe the feelings of skepticism when you think about a God that would ask you to carry on through this pain and suffering- and then STILL carry out some mission– after all this? It’s a lot to consider…
I had to somehow get myself back together, and be able to function enough to raise two kids and work full time. …I was so afraid I was going to die from the symptoms of each attack – and doctors couldn’t do much for me other than give me more meds!
You are not made of your fears, your worries, or your current marital circumstance. You are MORE than that. Life is not only pain and suffering. You KNOW that. Play the GOOD times in that narrative too. Remember that YOU control who you are and what you do in response to all the things good or bad.
Has being a widow pushed you to become a leader? ..Do you feel like lessons learned in this arena could be used elsewhere in your life, perhaps even as part of your purpose?
I hate ants. Its not that they are the most terrifying species, or the creepy crawl-iest. Spider-crickets, black widows and …
I read and read. Like literally, as soon as I got home this morning, after dropping off the kids – …
“Personal change is an internal experience and also an external one at the same time. It stems from a change …
By Maya W. Tyler As a widow coach, I naturally have clients that are military widows. I hear the stories …